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Use It or Lose It

The human body is a masterpiece created by God. One of the many fascinating things about the human body is the way it can adapt to our environment and activities.  If I were lost on a dessert island away from readily available food, and cheesecake, I could survive for weeks on my fat stores.  If I perform an activity requiring heavy lifting and carrying, my body would build muscle mass to help with that task. Even my bone density in my legs would increase to strengthen my supporting frame.

The antithesis is also true; if I stopped that heavy lifting/carrying, muscle mass and bone mass would reduce, since it isn't needed anymore.  Similarly, when the body is injured and an extremity is not used due to immobilization or pain, muscle mass is lost, and joints can become stiff.  

Stacy Mathis, RN had a case this week where the injured worker had guarded her shoulder due to pain and soreness of the accident, and was close to having a frozen shoulder. A frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis develops due to disuse of a joint in the body.  

Physical therapy modalities and exercises will gently get her shoulder moving again, and she will be reminded to continue to use it during her recovery from her other injuries.  So all will be well after working through a little more pain.  


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