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Showing posts from November, 2014

One Deadly Sin Every Case Manager Must Avoid

There is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way to achieve our case management goals.  Unfortunately, some RN Case Managers have gone the wrong route all to try and steer treatment and medical opinions in the direction that would make their customer happy.  They committed the one deadly sin that I teach our JMS RNs to never commit...arguing with the treating physician. Now don't get me wrong, we MUST ask for clarifications of opinions, recommendations, etc., but you just don't argue with a  physician.  WHY?  because:  It won't do anything but make him/her mad - doubtful it will change their mind You will make it much more difficult for that physician to appropriately manage your patient. If it doesn't get you thrown out of and banned from the clinic, you will certainly have heck to pay the next time you need to work with that physician again.  And trust me, if you intend to stay in the case management field, you WILL have need to see that physician aga...

One Hit Wonder

She's already done it twice this week - shut down a file with one Physician visit.  But this just goes to show how effective an onsite RN Case Manager can be!  She once got MMI and RTW on three files, on the first MD visit, all in one day.  We call her our One Hit Wonder.  You know, like artists that got a number one hit with one song that was amazing.  Steve Martin's King Tut still is an all time favorite one hit wonder!   Click Here to Play King Tut Video                    How does she do it?  Well, honestly most of the time it boils down to communication. Communication with the injured worker. Communication with the employer. Communication with the physician.  Nothing brings everyone together on the same page quite like onsite (field) case management.  Gathering pertinent information in a thorough intake assessment, and coming to the physician visit prepared with that info...